Sunday, February 13, 2011

my heart is overflowing

i sit down to write with no idea where this many different thoughts bouncing around my brain right now so here goes...

i went out on a wild moment and bought a tube of red lipstick a few months ago and it has been so much fun to wear! and amazingly so i most often wear it when i'm running around in sweats...i guess it makes me feel mysterious ;)

today at church i was so overwhelmed in my worship that i found myself off in a corner singing and praising to my hearts content. it feels so wonderful to surrender yourself in worship. last weekend i sat so overwhelmed with the biggness and vastness of God that i literally couldn't move. i sat there as the rest of the congregation dined in communion togetherand experienced another kind of communion, just me and the Lord. it was so special that words come up short.

this afternoon i experienced and unexpected blessing of a conversation with a dear friend. the words she shared were such a confirmtion and encouragement to me. i pray that i am worthy of the words she shared. it is not i but Christ in me.

it's such a beautiful mess outside today! the snow is melting and is turning into slush and making puddles....i love it!! i took a walk which involved walking down the middle of the street because side walks aren't completly cleared, walking down the train track and climbing up on top of a concrete planter and jumping over a huge snow pile!! i canlt believe that i'm running around in capris and a long sleeved t-shirt...thank you Lord for changes in the weather!

i warned you in the beginning that i had a lot on my mind :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

some lamenting on my part

what an exhausting night!!

work was just that, exausting. from the very beginning with the fire alarms and the varnish in the air to the med man coming smack dab in the middle of my heaviest rush to the brown water to activities pulling resident's from my med cart and messing up my routine to sitting in a room with a tearful resident and not having a solution to her problem to the new meds not fitting in the med cart to the irritation and frustration of being the mediator between my employees...(note: longest run on sentence, yeah i know but i have to admit that i just don't care!) ...what a night!!! i am thankful tonight that God is faithful and that His mercies are new every morning! ~lamantations 3:22-23