what would it have been like to have the heavens open up and the sky be filled with angels. to be settled in for the evening, your sheep are secure and counted, your bellies are full and your be roll is laid out and all of a sudden there's a bright light..a voice is speaking to you and then the entire sky is lit up with angels singing! do you think the towns people were aware of the singing sky or was this a private showing for these shepards? what would have your reaction been? the angel tells them to fear not, i will admit that i think i would have had at least a moment of sheer terror to have such an experience. and what about how quickly it appears they were to follow the angels direction. everybody knows a good shepard stays with their sheep. do you think they debated if some of them should stay or did they all jump at the chance to see what they had been told about? do you think they realized that they were ther chosen as the first people to know about the coming of the Savior? i wonder if they were educated in hebrew history and knew of the prophecies that Jesus would be born in Bethleham. did they kneel down and worship? years later as old men did they realize that Jesus the Christ was the same man they had hurried off to see that night so many years before? did they understand that they needed to follow Him?
Dear Claire: Happy Birthday to My Two-Year Old!
*(I've been writing monthly updates to my daughter, Claire, documenting all
the changes that come with the passing weeks. You can catch up on past
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