christmas music...isn't anything sacred anymore? i started out my morning yesterday enjoying some of the old christmas standards that i grew up on and their proclamation of the birth of the King and then while doing some shopping i was encountered by some rather annoying christmas tunes. if it was only that i was annoyed it would have been ok...i think. but the problem was that i felt that they were desecrating the songs and the words. one song proclaimed that what this christmas is about is a new heart for you and me...i don't even really know what that means! a couple of my facebook friends attempted to crack this code but i think i can speak for them as well when i say that i was left scratching my head on that one! then there was one song that went something like this, "sweet little baby Jesus boy..." unfortunately rather than making me think of the exciting birth of Christ i was thinking about taladega nights, ugh! then i begin to hear the opening strains of amazing grace played on some sort of bell...i had reached my limit! don't get me wrong i think that the birth of Jesus needs to be shouted and proclaimed loudly from the mountain tops but i wish that it was done more respectfully.

i have been a Christian for a long time but last night was the first time i ever encountered a women's bible study. not really sure how i've missed out on this all this time but...i was really touched by one of the ladies stories about forgiveness. she shared a heart wrenching story of sexual abuse and the journey of healing and forgiveness. she described the great honor of being used as a conduit for God's grace to flow. what an experience!
have you heard my friend jared sing? if you are one of my facebook friends you should at least have seen his links that i have posted. i thought i'd share his last video on here too.
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