i had the greatest lunch with a couple of great friends that i never see any more and got rid of this huge piece of furnature which had taken over my living room and now, if i was at home i would be smelling the wonderous food cooking for tonight's ladies get together! actually the day started better than that...a super fun and refreshing email from my best friend before i was even out of bed!
now it's on to doing some serious redecorating, well mostly moving stuff around and getting rid of the next huge piece of offending furnature, my broken down consel tv from another era. i'm really excited to see how it's all going to look once it's done and best yet, i don't think i need to buy any other furnature but in the end things will look so much more cozy. i might even see about getting my zebra rug professionally cleaned and bring it back out...
would you believe that i just did an image search and my very tv came up on page one! that's slightly frightening, lol.

now i need to move my lovely red couch and antique teal chair...don't judge me, i love my antique teal upholstered rocker. it actually looks just like this one pictured except mine is bright teal wool. my mom brought it home for me when going through things at my grandparent's house before the house was sold. if i have the story straight this is the same chair that my great-grandmother used for years. surprisingly it is still very comfortable and rocks nicely. it has beautiful claw feet that almost didn't make my move but thankfully a friend realized that they must belong to something important and rescued them! my couch is just another fun story. i quite literally bought it from a girl who was moving out of my apartnemt building the same time i was moving in. we took it from her trailer to my living room. i had told a friend just minutes before that i really wanted a red couch and God heard my request. i love how He does that some times :)

and just this morning i realized that with all this furnature moving i can bring out another prized piece...my custom built hope chest from my grandpa, ahh life is good!
oh and so many more great things to mention...it's looking more and more likely that my new niece or nephew will be born today or at least this week!! and on this dreary day i got to thinking that this is just the kind of day that Jesus may return...nobody is suspecting. may we always be prepared for that glorious day.
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